Building better teams through science

We developed our platform in collaboration with wellness experts and clinicians, building it on a foundation of psychological science. Confidentiality, privacy, and ethics are essential to our work.

Evidence powered platform

MindTales uses psychological tools, theory, and research to make wellbeing accessible and effective.

What sets us apart? We have a unique blend of skills in clinical and organizational psychology. We are dedicated to scientific rigor and clinical excellence.

How do we help companies

Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is a belief system where individuals perceive their abilities and intelligence as qualities that can be developed through dedication and effort. Those with a growth mindset embrace challenges, view failures as opportunities for learning, and exhibit resilience to setbacks.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a way to help people change their thoughts and actions to feel better. It teaches them how to deal with difficult feelings and thoughts by understanding and changing them. It’s like a toolbox for feeling happier and managing stress.

Organisational Psychology

Organizational psychology is a field that explores how people behave and interact in the workplace. It examines how organizations can improve productivity, employee well-being, and overall effectiveness by understanding and addressing psychological factors at work.

Growth-oriented employees are:


more likely to
trust their colleagues


more likely to
believe in innovation


more likely to
show loyalty to their organisation


more likely to
support risk-taking

Results and outcomes are our top priority


of employees believe their organisation is not actively promoting good mental wellbeing.


believe their leadership should help the workplace deal with stress and managing the mental health risks.

Farah Abu Alia

I can help you connect with yourself. By walking with you through your struggles, I teach you tools to help you reach an overall state of wellbeing and harmony in your life.

Talk to Real People

We curate our team of experts, collaborating only with seasoned professionals. We review their counseling and coaching techniques, license validity, and certifications. This ensures the best service for you.

Questions? We are always in touch!